Mission drift is the term given when a nonprofit (or other type of entity) either finds that it has moved away from the organization’s mission; or the organization consciously moves into a new direction from its mission statement.

Christians can also suffer from a form of mission drift called doctrinal drift.  The Apostle Paul wrote about doctrinal drift in his letter to the Hebrews, “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things that we have heard, left we drift away” Hebrews 2:1.

In a Christian’s life such drift usually happens quite slowly.  I know, because I suffered from doctrinal drift.  In my case, my logical personality allowed the opinion of too many intellectual writers influence my relationship with God.  No, I didn’t start out with the intention of changing.  Instead it happened slowly, bit by bit, as the appeal of a good intellectual argument chipped away at my foundation.

Paul’s told the Hebrews not to give “earnest heed” to doctrine. He knew that such a slow drift would eventually show up as apathy, disinterest in worship, value changes, priority changes, loss of love and lukewarm affections.

How is a Christian supposed to prevent doctoral drift in our lives?  There are many ways, but some include fellowship with fellow Christians, prayer, worship, bible study, avoiding ‘Religiosity’ and paying ‘earnest heed’ to matters of the faith.

“Send the roots of your faith deeply into Christ to avoid drifting from Him,” Dr. David Jeremiah.